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Custom Neon Signs

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How was it made- Sammy

We were faxed over a sketch with a signature to be made into a cusotm neon sign


Sketch sent by fax

Here we received a sketch by fax. The customer wanted his “Sammy” signature duplicated in green neon, and also wanted a beer mug somewhere below it. 


Here is our custom desinged sign layout that will be built turned into a neon sign Layout Example

We faxed back a layout for approval

Sammy's completed custom neon sign Your Finished Neon Sign

This neon sign was made and ready to hang in the basement bar.

2’ x 2’ Custom neon sign

Email: info@hopeneonsigns.com
Phone: 416-570-9703


How to Order a
Customized Neon Sign

Call today to order your custom neon sign


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